How to mix gold with silver

The truth is: there aren’t too many secrets.

You can mix and dare without any restrictions! In the past, the rule was to match everything, but things have changed and fashion is becoming more and more democratic. The key word is harmonization. You don’t have to match, but you have to coordinate.

One piece must be referenced with the other, even if it is not the same color. Here are some combinations that work great together:

Accessories with the same finish (matte or gloss)

Accessories with the same style (modern, vintage)

Pieces with a common point (pieces with stones of the same color)

Choose Brazi Lion!
INSTAGRAM: @brazi.lionboutique

How to Wear Earcuffs?

Ways to wear earcuffs An ear cuff is a piece of jewelry that is worn around the outer edge of your ear. It simply slips

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